This morning we will explore our relationship to trust, in each other and in what we choose to call sacred. In cultivating deep trust with things-as-they-are, we begin to see our experiences as teachers and performances of the sacred. We wrestle with the burdens handed to us; but given the choice, would you take someone else’s journey? What did you come here to learn; to teach? Are you willing to consider that even your deepest wounds are subject to a universal law?
Essayan Hart graduated from Starr King School for the Ministry in 2013, where she studied under many powerful teachers, most prominently Dr. Ibrahim Farajaje (peace be upon him). She is an abstract painter who works with the transformative friction between the sacred and mundane in her art practice. Her personal practice is rooted in Paganism, Sufism, Buddhism and the Abrahamic Narratives.
Melissa Marote, Worship Associate
The Em Band will play this Sunday.