On Hiatus.
Please contact LindaBeth

In the fall of 2020 Reverend Matthew founded Emerson’s anti-racism discussion group to help us learn more about anti-racism and deepen our commitment to racial justice.  Group members encouraged our congregation to endorse an 8th Principle of Unitarian Universalism that calls upon us to work together for diversity and inclusion and against racism and oppression. At Emerson’s congregational meeting on June 27, 2021 the members present unanimously approved “the spirit and intent of the proposed 8th Principle…” (Learn more about the 8th Principle on the UUA website: https://www.8thprincipleuu.org/ Read the text of the Resolution, found under Racial Justice in the Community menu.)

Emerson’s Board of Directors appointed a task force to take the next step towards dismantling racism and oppression within ourselves and our congregation.  Task force members have committed for a year to study a Report by the UUA’s Commission on Institutional Change (COIC), “Widening the Circle of Concern“. The COIC Report analyzes structural and systemic racism and white supremacy culture within Unitarian Universalism. Chapter topics include theology, governance, hospitality and inclusion, educating for liberation, restoration and reparations, and living our values in the world.  Each month the task force reads and then discusses the current chapter, using the accompanying Study/Action guide to draft recommendations to share with the congregation and our board as to how we at Emerson can “widen our circle of concern”.

In the spirit of “widening the circle” the task force welcomes visitors who would like to contribute to the discussion of the specific chapter being discussed.

You may read or listen to an audio version of the COIC report and access a free print-friendly version from the UUA website: https://www.uua.org/uuagovernance/committees/cic/widening. Alternatively, you may purchase it as a book from the inSpirit UU Book and Gift shop https://www.uuabookstore.org/Widening-the-Circle-of-Concern or as an e-book from ——–

Contact: LindaBeth Nelson with questions.



“Justice in June” provides links to different activities you can do each day to work towards becoming an active ally to the black community (not limited to only June). You can access these here.

75 Things White People Can Do for Racial Justice article (continually updated): here.  https://medium.com/equality-includes-you/what-white-people-can-do-for-racial-justice-f2d18b0e0234

If you want to support the struggle for racial justice but don’t want to be in the streets right now, here’s  document that was developed to give you 26 ways to do just that. It’s a few years old, but most of it is still relevant today. https://issuu.com/nlc.sf.2014/docs/beyondthestreets_final/1?ff

Recommended Viewing:

“In This Delicate Turning,” the powerful worship service from the 2019 UUA General Assembly (our annual national gathering). In her sermon, the Rev. Marta I. Valentín calls us to get free by planting faithful seeds of change and together turn to free the faith we love.  You can watch the service (or just Rev. Marta’s sermon).


“Bending the Arc – The Vote” is a film about the hard-fought battle to expand voting rights to all people in Alabama in the 1960s.  Sacrifices made, lives lost, obstacles overcome, and the need to continue the fight.  The film is a call to action for all people to exercise their right to vote.
Trailer link: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Rb5zG9EFcGI
Film link: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=lfb0yevpsAA

To learn more about the Bending the Arc Project and upcoming films in the mini-series, please visit the Bending the Arc website: bendingthearctojustice.com