ABOUT DONATIONS AND PLEDGES:  Reminder:  A Pledge is your promise to donate a specific amount of amount of money.  Pledges need to be renewed annually even if you are donating the same amount.  You may always donate more than you pledged, but knowing what people intend to pay helps us determine our budget before our annual congregational meeting in June.

CLICK HERE to enter your 2024-2025 Pledge or your Continuation of your Pledge.  To donate funds towards your pledge or to donate additional funds, CLICK HERE.

How to make your Pledge payment:  However and whenever you pay, please clearly mark it as a “Pledge”   Most members make a monthly pledge payment, but you can pay it all at once or in other increments.  You may pay your pledge in these ways:

  • By making automatic payments through your bank’s “Bill Pay” feature. Your financial institution can help you set this up.   (This is the easiest and least expensive way for you and Emerson.)
  • Online at https://emersonuuchurch.breezechms.com/give/online or on the Breeze mobile app (see further below for instructions). 
  • By mailing your check marked “pledge” to:
    • Emerson Unitarian Universalist Church
      7304 Jordan Avenue
      Canoga Park, CA 91303
  • By dropping your check marked “Pledge” into the into the collection basket on Sunday.
  • With cash in the collection plate (in an envelope labeled “Pledge” with the amount).
  • With appreciated stock.

To make an ONLINE DONATION or a PAYMENT towards your PLEDGECLICK HERE.  You can select each of the following:  the amount, what type of donation it is (please indicate if it is towards your pledge or for a specific additional donation), frequency, and if you want to pay via credit/debit card or ACH Bank Transfer.  After you select “Continue” the next page asks for more detailed Payment Information.  We have been assured it is a secure payment system, like many other online payment systems (online companies, banks, etc.).

At the bottom of this second page you have the option of adding the processing fee.  *Emerson is charged 1% + $0.25/transaction for ACH payments, and 2.9% plus $0.30/transaction for Credit/Debit Card payments.  If you choose to offset these fees you are given credit for the full amount as a charitable donation (tax deduction).  (That is, if you wanted Emerson to receive $100 directly from your credit card, you would agree to add $1.25 to cover the processing fee and you would receive a receipt for donating $101.25.)

You may download the Breeze ChMS app which looks like a blue box with a lowercase b, or you can donate directly on the Breeze website: www.breezechms.com  When setting up Breeze for the first time you may be asked your church ID which is Emersonuuchurch.

NOTE:  Even if  you pay by check or cash, please designate whether your money should go toward your Pledge, the “Sunday offering” (which includes our “share the plate” donation to specific charities), the general fund, or to another specific fund.  This helps us with our bookkeeping records.




CLICK HERE to enter your 2024-25 Pledge or your Continuation of your Pledge. http://Pledge.EmersonUUC.ORG