Book Group
Third Monday of the month at 7:00 pm (Zoom 2)
Next Meeting: February 17, 2025
Our non-fiction selection for our February meeting is Disappearing Spoons, by Sam Kean. Emerging from the Periodic Table, Kean masterfully fuses science with the classic lore of invention, investigations, and discovery.. Our March 17 fiction pick is Tom Lake by Ann Patchett.
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The Emerson Book Discussion Group provides an opportunity for readers of all ages and interests to participate in the selection and discussion of fiction and nonfiction books of all genres. The wide variety of choices that emerge from our democratic process challenges us to encounter and consider thoughts and ideas outside our usual reading comfort zones as well as to share our own preferences. Our lively but respectful discussions help us to practice our commitment to the free and responsible search for truth and meaning. Sharing reading experiences, especially fiction, serves to exercise our capacity for empathy, justice, compassion, and the worth and dignity of every person. Our “secular” curriculum is attractive to new and prospective members and visitors who share common reading interests. Participation is without restriction or commitment with regard to attendance or reading. Our meetings are both challenging and pleasurable.
Emerson’s Book Group welcomes all readers to our monthly discussions. Participants choose the books. We alternate fiction and nonfiction monthly and enjoy the challenge of both reading outside our personal comfort zone and considering the variety of responses offered in our enthusiastic and respectful setting. All are welcome to attend.
Emerson Book Group meets to discuss fiction and nonfiction books selected by participants. We welcome all readers, members new and old, and visitors, who wish to participate (by listening and/or speaking) in our discussions and upcoming book selection choices.
- Meets once monthly, usually on the fourth Tuesday at 7:00 PM ZOOM
- Alternates fiction/nonfiction selections monthly.
- Choices are nominated by participants and chosen democratically.
- Requires no commitment with regard to regular attendance or reading.
- Is intended to be both challenging and pleasurable.
For more information, contact Louise Rovner ( 8186219628