Our Governance
EMERSON UNITARIAN UNIVERSALIST CHURCH GOVERNANCE DOCUMENTS (Revised July 2017): Emerson Unitarian Universalist Church has adopted policy-style governance. In this style of governance, the Board of Trustees is responsible for setting goals and overseeing the management of the church. An executive, who is required to operate within certain guidelines or limitations, is responsible for determining the means for achieving the goals set by the Board and for managing church operations. A benefit of this style of governance is its focus on the church’s mission, which is referred to as “ends.”
These Governance Documents are the policies of Emerson Unitarian Universalist Church’s Board of Trustees and are maintained by the Board of Trustees. They describe the relationship between the Board of Trustees and the Executive, and list the Executive Limitations and General Responsibilities. They also describe the governance process and list the church ends statements. Finally, they provide a schedule for the Executive to follow when reporting to the Board. Be it known that for the implementation of this document, “EUUC”, “Emerson Unitarian Universalist Church” and “the Church” shall be used to designate the legal entity “Emerson Unitarian Universalist Church”, aka “Emerson Unitarian Fellowship.
For a copy of our By-Laws, click here
For a copy of our last strategic plan, click here.
For a copy of our Covenant of Right Relations, click here.
To see the Minutes of the Annual Middle-of-the-Year Congregational Meeting on June 27, 2021, click here. At this meeting we voted our support for the spirit and intent of the proposed 8th UUA Principle to work toward dismantling racism and other oppressions.